Production of the company

Ylang-Ylang, Jasmine, Neroli

Admirers and connoisseurs of creativity who have the gift of anticipating true masterpieces. Wearing a mask of calm contemplation and peace, they protect from prying eyes their inner triumph of the spirit arising from encounters with the world of dreams and images. They truly love, and do not admire art, without closing themselves within the framework of one genre, direction, style. The feeling of awe and intoxication with beauty is balanced in them by a sense of proportion and freedom from impulsivity. Their characteristic aestheticism is sometimes mistaken for mannerism and posture, but when they get to know them better, they very soon find pleasant interlocutors in them, devoid of stamped judgments and assessments. The sharpened eye in search and discovery allows them to see in the simple the soil for growth, and in the complex — false obstacles. With such optics, any business for them turns into creativity exceptional in its merits, however, like themselves.

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