Production of the company

Peach, Passion fruit, Musk

For young souls over whom time has no power. They are playful and mischievous. Sometimes they are seem eccentric because they are bored to stay within the imposed norms and conventions. Unwilling to march in formation they have the fortitude and charisma to make others follow them and imitate their habits. Their creative impulses and the emotional charge allow these exuberant heads to generate extraordinary projects that capture the attention of the public. Their seeming carelessness, however, does not extend to the spheres of relations and the chosen field where everything should be perfect and unique.

«For this perfume I have used ingredients not typical for me: fruit notes of passion fruit and peach, give birth to a sexy duet. To make it special I have added musk there too so that there was no feeling of complete loss of control», — Erez Rozen.
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